The Interest Only Bank Loan is a Line of Credit giving you the Power to Do More.
Passionate – Dedicated – Professional
the interest only bankroll loan program is a revolving line of credit
sales volume
Businesses generating $1.5 Million Annually may qualify
loan terms
12 – 36 Months
credit score
Minimum of 651 Equifax Credit Score
time in business
Must be in Business a minimum of 4 years under this program
Our Interest-Only Revolving Line of Credit (IO-Bankroll) gives you the power to do more! Whether it’s financing a growth opportunity, an expansion project, a new location, higher labor costs, new equipment, or investing in new technology, IO-Bankroll is your solution. With LOW, interest-only payments for up to a year and approvals in 24 to 48 hours on amounts up to $1 million, Alliance’s Lending Partner’s IO-Bankroll Revolving Line of Credit is unmatched. The 11-month revolving period gives you the flexibility to draw funds and pay down your principal balance as often as you need. Couple that with fixed terms up to 3 years and IO-Bankroll becomes a powerful tool for business growth and increased profitability
Interest Only BankRoll’s Industry Leading Features
*Minimum initial draw of $5,000 or 10% of the line approval, whichever is higher. Unlimited draws and partial principal paydowns are only available during the revolving period. This is not a guaranteed extension of credit. All draw requests will receive a desktop underwriting to ensure the merchant’s creditworthiness has not materially changed since the original loan was initiated. Updated bank transactional data via PLAID or via paper statements will be required prior to draw request being funded. Lender will strive to fund all qualified draw requests within 2 business days of receipt.